Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Christopher Columbus good or evil Essay

Christopher Columbus was one of the greatest sailors and explores of all time. In 1492 he discovered a â€Å"new world† and linked Europe to the Americas. His discoveries enlarged the world and began a new age of exploration, therefore changing the history of the world. His Columbian Exchange was the foundation of the future world economy. [1] â€Å"Christopher Columbus can be considered a hero for his work on Christianity,† says John Kimble. Columbus has spread Christianity throughout the world and advanced trade with many new discoveries, thus, finding the â€Å"new world† he then discovered the first European colonies, and through those colonies he then spread the religion of Christianity. Columbus then brought spices and riches to all of Europe. [2] â€Å"After his return to Europe, many people were lead to believe they could explore and sail.† [3] â€Å"Only Columbus set off directly across a board, unknown sea with no specific knowledge of how far it extended or what lay on the other side.† Columbus encouraged everyone to take a risk and make their own discoveries. Yes, Christopher Columbus was flawed but all men are. Columbus put Christianity out on a rage on all different part of the world and had those places endured in trading. With all of his achievements, he then bettered the world to be melting pot that it is to this day. Assertion 2: Christopher Columbus was greedy, shellfish, racist and a bigot. He was responsible for the loss of life of thousands, destroyed culture and exploited those he came in contact with. Columbus did not even find what he set out for, the East Indies, and for that alone, should not be glorified in history. Christopher Columbus was yes a discoverer of something new, but it was only new to him. Before Columbus was there, there were native people on the land that they first discovered before Columbus stated he â€Å"founded† it. He was a  robber of land, and some people think he also robbed the lives of many. [1] Christopher Columbus was found to be a cruel man who enjoys seeing the natives and suffer. [2] â€Å"They should be good servants†¦. I, our Lord being pleased, will take hence, at time of my departure, six natives for your Highness,† was the first thing written in Columbus’ journal according to Bourne, p.111-112; page 18 of Hanke, L. (1949). The Spanish struggle for justice in the conquest of America. Philadelphia, PA: University of Pennsylvania. Christopher Columbus may not have killed that native people but hand he was in charge of murder’s and allowed all the killings to go on, so in those words that is just as bad, he also enslaved native people himself. All he was power and he had huge desire to rule over the land that was not his. Margolis goes on to say the Columbus did not prevent his crewmen from raping the innocent natives, and even that he himself raped and native woman, after beating her with a piece of rope. Columbus was nowhere near a hero; he founded land that had ownership already and then took the land away viciously. Work Cited [1][2] Kimble, John. â€Å"Hero or Villain.† Yahoo Voices. Ed. Mark G. Yahoo, 1 July 2007. Web. 25 Mar. 2013 [3] Caroll, Warren H. â€Å"Honoring Christopher Columbus.† Faith and Reason (Summer 1992) [1] plaza. â€Å"Why was Christopher Columbus a villan?.† KnowsWhy. January 10, 2011 [2] â€Å"The Untold Story. Understanding Prejudice. N.p., 2002. Web. 26 Mar.2013. [3] â€Å"Chirstopher Columbus: The Villain.† 26 Mar 2013

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Part 1- Racial identity and culture Essay

Introduction The term race refers to the concept of dividing people into populations or groups on the basis of various sets of characteristics and beliefs about common ancestry. 1 The most widely used human racial categories are based on visible traits (especially skin color, facial features and hair texture), and self-identification. Conceptions of race, as well as specific ways of grouping races, vary by culture and over time, and are often controversial for scientific as well as social and political reasons. The controversy ultimately revolves around whether or not races are natural kinds or socially constructed, and the degree to which observed differences in ability and achievement, categorised on the basis of race, are a product of inherited (i. e. genetic) traits or environmental, social and cultural factors. Some argue that although â€Å"race† is a valid taxonomic concept in other species, it cannot be applied to humans. Mainstream scientists have argued that race definitions are imprecise, arbitrary, derived from custom, have many exceptions, have many gradations, and that the numbers of races delineated vary according to the culture making the racial distinctions; they thus reject the notion that any definition of race pertaining to humans can have taxonomic rigour and validity. Today most scientists study human genotypic and phenotypic variation using more rigorous concepts such as â€Å"population† and â€Å"clinical gradation. † Many anthropologists contend that while the features on which racial categorizations are made may be based on genetic factors, the idea of race itself, and actual divisions of persons into groups based on selected hereditary features, are social constructs, whereas a new opinion among geneticists is that it should be a valid mean of classification, although in a modified form based on DNA analysis. 2 Racial and Ethnic identity and Development Racial and ethnic identity are critical parts of the overall framework of individual and collective identity. For some especially visible and legally defined minority populations in the United States, racial and ethnic identity are manifested in very conscious ways. This manifestation is triggered most often by two conflicting social and cultural influences. First, deep conscious immersion into cultural traditions and values through religious, familial, neighborhood, and educational communities instills a positive sense of ethnic identity and confidence. Second, and in contrast, individuals often must filter ethnic identity through negative treatment and media messages received from others because of their race and ethnicity. These messages make it clear that people with minority status have a different ethnic make-up and one that is less than desirable within main-stream society. Others, especially white Americans, manifest ethnic and racial identity in mostly unconscious ways through their behaviors, values, beliefs, and assumptions. For them, ethnicity is usually invisible and unconscious because societal norms have been constructed around their racial, ethnic, and cultural frameworks, values, and priorities and then referred to as â€Å"standard American culture† rather than as â€Å"ethnic identity. † This uncon-scious ethnic identity manifests itself in daily behaviors, attitudes, and ways of doing things. Unlike many minority cultures, there is little conscious instilling of specific ethnic identity through white communities, nor is differential ethnic treatment often identified in the media of white cultures. As we discuss throughout this chapter, everyone benefits from the development of a conscious ethnic identity and benefits as well when multicultural frame-works are used in their learning environments. Definitions of Racial and Ethnic Identity. The constructs of race and ethnicity in the United States are complex and difficult to define and frame. Researchers are not consistent in their meaning, which makes these concepts particularly challenging to grasp. To add to the confusion, racial and ethnic identity â€Å"transcends traditional categories and has become a major topic in psychology, literature, theology, philosophy, and many other disciplines†. The concept of racial identity, in particular, has been misunderstood and contested. Some meanings are derived from its biological dimension and others from its social dimension . As a biological category, race is derived from an individual’s â€Å"physical features, gene pools and character qualities†. Using these features as distinguishing characteristics, Europeans grouped people hierarchically by physical ability and moral quality, with Caucasians as the pinnacle, followed by Asians and Native Americans, and Africans last on the racial ladder. However, looking beyond these characteristics, there are more similarities than differences between racial groups and more differences than similarities within these groups. Today, literary and theoretical manifestations of racial identity are discussed not in biological terms (which may imply a racist perspective) but as a social construction, which â€Å"refers to a sense of group or collective identity based on one’s perception that he or she shares a common heritage with a particular racial group†. Racial identity seems most often, however, to be a frame in which individuals categorize others, often based on skin color. The use of skin color is one of many labeling tools that allow individuals and groups to distance themselves from those they consider different from themselves. Racial identity is a surface-level manifestation based on what we look like yet has deep implications in how we are treated. Ethnic identity is often considered a social construct as well. It is viewed as an individual’s identification with â€Å"a segment of a larger society whose members are thought, by themselves or others, to have a common origin and share segments of a common culture and who, in addition, participate in shared activities in which the common origin and culture are significant ingredients†. Ethnic identity seems most often to be a frame in which individuals identify consciously or unconsciously with those with whom they feel a common bond because of similar traditions, behaviors, values, and beliefs. These points of connection allow individuals to make sense of the world around them and to find pride in who they are. If, however, positive ethnic group messages and support are not apparent or available to counteract negative public messages, a particular individual is likely to feel shame or disconnection toward their own ethnic identity. Ethnic identity development consists of an individual’s movement toward a highly conscious identification with their own cultural values, behaviors, beliefs, and traditions. Ethnic and racial identity models provide a theoretical structure for understanding individuals’ negotiation of their own and other cultures.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Application of Auditing Theory and Practice

Auditing is part of organizational management, it is explained as the process of examining the financial reports of a business enterprise as presented in the business annual reports, an independent person or an organization performs the audit process. The progression and development of organizational performance is accomplished by conducting audit and understanding the auditing theory and related practices  (Arens, et al., 2012). Auditing is also outlined as the systemic and unbiased examination of organizations books of accounts, statutory information, documents and vouchers of an organization to visualize how some distance the economic statements further to non-economic disclosures present genuine and fair view of the business enterprise  (Eilifsen, et al., 2013). Auditing and compliance practices try ensure that the organizational financial books are effectively maintained as required by the international auditing standard board, and if they are maintained under the regulation provided by the existing laws. Auditing independence is outlined as the independence of the external and internal auditor from other parties and individuals who may have economic and financial interest in the business enterprise that is being audited. According to Arens, Elder, & Mark 2012, the auditors indepence requires integrity and essential audit measure to the auditing procedures. The study reveals that, some factors may affect the integrity and auditing measures and process of an auditor  (Arens, et al., 2012). On the other hand, the auditors integrity is also affected by the business risk, these risk influence the decisional making process of auditors and top organizational management. However, auditing practices compel the auditor to put into actions and measures which might be crucial even as performing the practices. Auditing planning is the strategic management degree for auditing, it carried out at the beginning of the audit process this is to make sure that the correct attention is fermented to important areas, to sure that the capacity issues are promptly identified and viable solutions are generated to lessen the impact  (Elder, et al., 2011). The main purpose of encouraging the audit planning is to ensure that all the audit work are fully finished and coordinated. Clarke & Johnson (CJI) is an audit company this is identified for proving the first-rate services in the audit business enterprise; Luxury Travel Holidays LTD (LTH) is commercial enterprise that provides travel service. Both corporations have taken into consideration the importance of market segmentation and diversifying their enterprise operation far from their nearby market. Clarke & Johnson (CJI) Company is re-engaged by Luxury Travel Holidays LTD (LTH) to offer audit services before submitting their 30 June 2015 financial report to the stakeholders. The factors affecting the integrity and auditing approach used by the auditors could affect decision-making process  (Gay & Simnett, 2000). Qualified and non-qualified audit opinion is the relevant concepts that are used to draft the audit report. This is a primary factor affecting the independence and the decisions to be reached by an auditor.   The size if the audit firm implies the size of the business enterprise to be audited and the particular auditing firm. According to this case study, Clarke & Johnson (CJI) Company is an audit firm that has been providing audit services to small market the company is also to provide its services to Luxury Travel Holidays LTD (LTH) that performs its business activities in Asia, Europe and U.S market. The larger the audit firm the lesser the impact of impairments, the smaller the audit company there will be more factors that will affect the independence of the audit company  (Eilifsen, et al., 2001). This is amongst the dangerous threats which might the independence of the audit company. The advising threat implies that, some stakeholders may have the economic and financial interest in the company to be audited. According to the case study, Clarke & Johnson (CJI) Company and Luxury Travel Holidays LTD (LTH) have been collaborating for years this could build some interest between themselves  (Jackson, 2016). Therefore, the auditor is compelled to present audit opinion that favors the stakeholder who has economic and commercial interest. The threats regarding the referrals from the customer impacts the independence of an auditor. Clarke & Johnson (CJI) Company is an audit firm that has been offering audit services to Luxury Travel Holidays LTD (LTH); Luxury Travel Holidays LTD (LTH) may make many referrals to the auditor, and thus affecting the audit process and of the Clarke & Johnson (CJI) Company. The organizational control has an excessive impact on the audit opinion to be made with the aid of the usage of the auditor, the organizational pinnacle ought to affect this critiques in view that they may pressure the auditor to utilize the referrals made. Luxury Travel Holidays LTD (LTH) and Clarke & Johnson (CJI) Company had been participating for more than one years. Luxury Travel Holidays LTD (LTH) may want to refer the accounting department to make adjustments to company book of accounts, those changes and adjustment made are ought to affect the findings of the auditor and thus the audit independence is automatically affected. The success of every operating business organization is determined by the extent and how the company is involved in the audit practices. The independence of the auditors should not be influence since they impose some negative effects to the findings that are used as the basis of the audit opinion which is the primary element of audit report. The size of the firm is categories to be the threat that affects the auditor independence, the organizational management of Luxury Travel Holidays LTD (LTH) should consider the size of the firm that will perform the audit practices. Consequently, Clarke & Johnson (CJI) Company should ensure that they create and implement policies that will limit threats affecting their independence. Advising threats is a fatal component that influences the independence of an auditor. The relevant audit opinion to be utilized by an auditor ought to be based totally on the instantaneous findings. The auditors are advocated not to provide any economic or financial cautioned to their clients because their findings after the recommendation will have an impact on the audit opinion  (Knechel & Salterio, 2016). Multiple referrals could also affect the auditor's opinion. According to the case study both business enterprises have been in business for a number of years, Luxury Travel Holidays LTD (LTH) could make referrals to the finance department to make the adjustment to some vouchers and documents, this is to present the interest of some management individuals. Clients are advised not to make any referrals to any departments, the exact finding of the auditor portrays that the organization needs to implement on some applicable measures. According to Gay, & Simnett, 2000, audit planning is strategic control measure for auditing, it conducted at the beginning of the audit procedure this is to make sure that the right interest is fermented to essential organizational areas. This is to ascertain that the potential problems are promptly recognized and viable solution are generated to reduce their impact, to make sure that all auditing work is completed and coordinated. While developing and creating the audit practices, there are some elements that may affect the auditing procedures  (Lyon & Maher, 2005). Clarke & Johnson Company and Luxury Travel Holidays LTD (LTH) are now taken into consideration to function in new markets. New markets are bounded and guided by means of commercial laws and regulations which are surpassed through the federal governments  (Knechel & Salterio, 2016). Consequently, the organizations that operate outside their nearby market are affected by the legal processes that are used to regulate the business enterprises when it comes to their commercial activities. U.S Common Laws are the examples of the commercial law that are used to guide organization business activities U.S and European market  (Johnstone, 2000). Economic threat is the primary external environmental factor that impacts the operations business corporation in international markets. They incorporate elements such as GDP and unique country financial improvement quotes. Some markets are affected by down-tuning economic developments, currencies also affect the activities of a business organization. For instance, U.S currency is a globally accepted currency, it is used in the international market for the exchange of goods and services  (Sadgrove, 2016). According to Jackson 2016, the declining in product demand is a marketing factor originating aftermarket segmentation and diversification. Operating in an expanded marketplace place create a room for more corporations to create products and services which resemble the ones produced by using the existing organizations  (Jackson, 2016). Companies operating in the broader market are advocated to ensure that they produce quality products and services that meet the competitive market they operate in. According to Johnstone 2000, financial dangers chance contains those monetary aspects that stand up because of lack of monetary management procedures and measures. The economic worldwide marketplace has experienced many issues that have affected the operation of commercial enterprise companies, mainly Crampton and Hasaad and Mining Supplies LTD (MSL) corporations  (Johnstone, 2000). The research conducted by Knechel 2007 concluded that the financial contributes to the economic failures of a company that operates internationally  (Knechel & Salterio, 2016). Inherent audit risk is the risk that involves the material misstatement in the financial statement of an institution arising due to errors and omission (Kachelmeier, et al., 2014)made as a result of failing to implement on specific controls and measures. The impact of inherent audit to a business organization are felt when the companies operating in specific market fails to implement on the existing financial measures and controls  (Ricchiute, 2001). These risks are perceived to be generated when the business organization failed to make application estimation while making complex transactions. The control risk comprises the threats originating from the fabric misstatement existing within financial reporting of the company, this fabric misstatement is experience due to failure to work under the financial policies and measure of the organization  (Bell, et al., 2001). Crampto and Hasaad and Mining Supplies LTD (MSL) are advocated to have the applicable financial internal control measure, this measure is relevant in preventing and reducing frauds originating from the internal business transactions  (William Jr, et al., 2016). According to Bell, Landsman, & Shackelford 200, the detection risk is that risk that arises when the external auditor fails to come over the cloth misstatement in the financial information of the company, vouchers, assets and other relevant documents  (Bell, et al., 2001). While implementing the audit planning, the auditor is encouraged to focus on the relevant financial and documents of the company and provide the solution to the financial misstatement. The business organizations are advocated to make use of the audit measures that will reduce the fabric misstatements in the financial statements and asset documents of an enterprise that ought to be audited. Eilifsen, Knechel, & Wallage 2001, concluded that, while mitigating the dectecion risks, the audit company is recommended to increase and take the variety of sample transactions  (Eilifsen, et al., 2001). In conclusion, auditing is explained as part of the managing a business organization, it is the independent examination of the company financial reports, this is to assure that the financial information of the business organization shows true and fair view of the company. The audit opinion is a relevant element of audit report as presented by the external auditor. Some aspects affect the independence of an external auditor, these aspects comprise multiple referrals, size of the firm and advising threat. Business risk is defined as the primary factors that affect the business organization, especially those which are operating in the international market. Legal risk, financial risks, economic risks and declining in the product demand are the examples of the business risk addressed in the paper. Inherent risk, detection risk, and control risk are the examples of audit risk affecting the auditor practices. Arens, A. A., Elder, R. J. & Mark, B., 2012. Auditing and assurance services: an integrated approach:. Boston: Prentice Hall.. Bell, T. B., Landsman, W. R. & Shackelford, D. A., 2001. Auditors' perceived business risk and audit fees: Analysis and evidence.. Journal of Accounting research,, 39(1), pp. 35-43. Eilifsen, A., Messier, W. F., Glover, S. M. & Praw, 2013. Auditing and assurance services.. s.l.:McGraw-Hill.. Eilifsen, A., Knechel, W. R. & Wallage, P., 2001. Application of the business risk audit model: A field study. Accounting Horizons. s.l.:s.n. Elder, R. J., Beasley, M. S. & Arens, A., 2011. Auditing and Assurance services. s.l.:Pearson Higher Ed.. Gay, G. E. & Simnett, R., 2000. Auditing and assurance services in Australia.. Sydney: Mcgraw-hill. Jackson, R. A., 2016. Business at risk: keynote speakers for this year's IIA International Conference identify emerging risks facing organizations. Internal Auditor,. In: s.l.:s.n., pp. 40-46. Johnstone, K., 2000. Client-acceptance decisions: Simultaneous effects of client business risk, audit risk, auditor business risk, and risk adaptation. Auditing:. A Journal of Practice & Theory, 19(1), pp. 1-25.. Kachelmeier, S. J., Majors, T. & Williamson, M. G., 2014. Does Intent Modify Risk-Based Auditing?. The Accounting Review. s.l.:s.n. Knechel, W., 2007. The business risk audit: Origins, obstacles and opportunities.. In: s.l.:s.n., pp. 383-408. Knechel, W. R. & Salterio, S. E., 2016. Auditing: assurance and risk. s.l.:Routledge. Lyon, J. D. & Maher, M. W., 2005. The importance of business risk in setting audit fees: Evidence from cases of client misconduct.. Journal of Accounting Research, 43(1), pp. 133-151. Messier, w. f., 2014. An approach to learning risk-based auditing.. Journal of Accounting Education, 32(3), pp. 276-287. Ricchiute, D. N., 2001. Auditing and assurance services.. s.l.:South Western Educational Publishing.. Sadgrove, K., 2016. The complete guide to business risk management.. s.l.:Routledge. William Jr, M., Glover, S. & Prawitt, D., 2016. Auditing and assurance services: A systematic approach.. s.l.:McGraw-Hill Education.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Money is the Root of Good Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Money is the Root of Good - Essay Example Ancient people graduated from Barter trade to using precious metal coins as their form of money. Gold, silver, bronze among other metals served as money in the olden days. Today, money is accepted as physical currency made of paper and coins. The growing technology has also introduced an acceptable business platform that involves online trade where currency is rarely used. These transformations aim at making exchange of goods and services easy. Even though there are various evils associated with money, money’s goodness outweighs its associated evils, thus money is the root of good stands. In the ancient world when money had not been introduced, traders used to engage in barter trade whereby goods were exchange for goods based on mutually inverse needs. It was difficult to agree on the value of goods to be exchanged due to quantity and quality differences. Traders needed to come up with a material that would be used to stop the direct exchange of goods. Money stepped in to determine the value of various goods. Moreover, it was widely accepted. It is divisible and trade has been easy since its introduction in the markets (Wollenberg para 1). Money is any acceptable material of exchange in a transaction. In a hypothetical situation, absence of money would mean that there wouldn’t be any platform to conduct trade. People would acquire goods from others by forceful means. Money has enabled trade thus it is good (Wollengerg para 2). Anything used rightfully and fairly is good. This includes money and general wealth. Wollenberg tells of a story of a poor man whose generosity elevated his financial status in the community but once he became rich, selfishness stepped in. Shannon Christman, in her article â€Å"why money is not the root of all evil† argues that its not money that causes evil but the love for money. Christman suggests that if money was the root off all evil, then religious people would be striving hard to be as

Communication skills Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Communication skills - Essay Example ure that the entire experience of a flight is quite comfortable for the customers; they inform the customers regarding procedures and practices that are conducted during emergency situations. They even are responsible for delivering feed and beverages to customers. One of the most important communication skills that are required of a flight attendant is the listening skills. Listening skills are important skills as they are the most useful tools in making a customer feel safe, secure and comfortable. During flying period there may be incidences that customers may feel can lead to an accident and they might end up in panic. In such situations, flight attendants need to make sure that they listen to their customers to make them feel that the people in the flight are similar to their family members and are trying their best to solve the issues experienced during the flight (Jones, 2012, p.5). Another essential communication skill that is required of a flight attendant is nonverbal commu nication skills, especially being able to use hand gestures. These skills are essential as there are people who may not understand the official language used by the flight attendant and use of gestures can help them understand the instructions that are being provided by the attendant. One of the weakest areas of my communication skills is listening skills. I have a habit of not being concerned about what others have to say regarding their problems and when people tell me about their problems, I tend to simply ignore what they are saying and end up nodding my head just to make them feel that I am listening. Secondly, I lack the ability to communicate effectively with use of non-verbal communication tools such as hand gestures. I fail to make people understand what I want them to know when I use hand gestures, while I am quite strong in making facial expressions which can easily help people in understanding my mood or feelings. I plan to enhance my listening skills by trying to pay more

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Blogs Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Blogs - Article Example They are relying on the doctors, paramedics and the support staff to make sure that their near and dear ones stay safe and are given required health precautions as and when needed. From a public relations viewpoint, it sets the basis for discerning where disparities exist and how these can be ably maneuvered to achieve goals and objectives – all for the sake of the society. Ethical debates can crop up in the line of determining where gross irregularities have been exposed, addressed and eventually solutions found for the same. This is in keeping with the philosophy of doing something worthwhile for the sake of the society or in essence paying back what has been the much required undertaking from the people who are in top positions within the society’s folds. This essentially highlights how well the society as a whole is moving forward and tackling the nuances which come up every now and then. [Web link:] The future trends in social media with regards to public relations are something to gain an understanding from in this day and age especially due to constantly changing social media climate. This is because the public relations entity focuses on the aspects where word of mouth goes at a very rapid pace and what would be better than making use of the social media domains. This is in line with understanding how the media as a whole has shaped up the world of modern times. The World Wide Web, or web for short has largely emphasized on the premise of bringing together the different peoples of the world on a single platform. It has made inroads towards finding common grounds for success. Public relations entity owes its success to the people who are playing a pivotal part on the social media. Without them, the public relations would go down instantly and there would be nothing much that shall be achieved. The gurus of the web are something to gain insight from, especially for the

Friday, July 26, 2019

Compare and contrast the achievements and failures of the various (not Essay

Compare and contrast the achievements and failures of the various (not just African-American) civil rights movements since 1945 - Essay Example During that period they started a movement regarded as civil disobedience in which they resorted to protests that were nonviolent in nature. Several methods of protest were used in these movements, such as boycotts of Montgomery Bus. Another major protest conducted by the blacks for civil rights was the march recognized as the march for autonomy and jobs conducted on Washington. In this march, Martin Luther King, Jr. presented his most famous speech which was regarded as â€Å"I have a dream† (Norton, 2012, p.755). During the period of 1965 there experienced a tremendous change in the movement for Black Power. Those who were fighting in the favor of Black Power argued in the favor of autonomy of the blacks and believed that the African Americans of that time were not being provided with dignity and were being kept away from their heritage. For example: Omali Yeshitela argued that the blacks have fought hard to safeguard their homes, autonomy and culture against colonialists of Europe. Yeshitela further stated that actions that actions such as stealing another individuals wealth and freedom are denoted as treason. Some of the great outcomes of this movement were the victory achieved in Brown v. Board of education case that helped in eliminating the legal issue of separate but equal. Another major Civil Rights Movement in the US was the Chicano Movement. This movement was led by the Mexicans that were living in America. The purpose of this movement was to gain a say for the Mexicans in the political arena of US. According to those who were in favor of this movement, US had failed to comply with the promises they made during the Guadalupe Hidalgo Treaty. The movement did not concentrated on the issues that were experienced by the early Mexicans who migrated to US; it did not even address the issue of political rights for Mexicans as at that time immigrants had no political significance. The activities of this movement were involved in various issues such as unequal educational and job opportunities for Mexicans and the ill treatment they faced at the hands of the police. Students who were associated with this movement conducted activities such as walkouts, one of such activities was a walkout conducted by students in the state of Denver. The African American right for equal rights were quite peaceful in nature and only conducted activities such as marches and sit-ins, on the other hand the civil rights movement conducted by American Indians was quite violent in nature. The actions ranged from huge gatherings with the purpose of protest to hijacking of governmental facilities with the aid of arms and ammunition. During the period of 1971, the movement took over an obsolete, left alone property of the Naval Air Station located in the region of Minnesota. During the period of 1972, they even took over the Headquarters of bureau of Indian Affairs located in Washington and they arrested 24 individuals. The Courthouse of Custer County was e ven abducted by the activities of this group; later police was able to handle the situation after a severe right arose. A confrontation even took place between the military and the activists of the movement and after the death of two individuals and passage of seventy one days, the violent activity came to an end. Feminist movements even took place, after the era of 1946, the feminist movements aimed at countering the issue of changing the

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Blending homemade juice Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Blending homemade juice - Essay Example During peeling, hold the knife carefully and peel the fruit slowly ensuring that one does not peel off large chunks of the flesh besides avoiding injury to self. After peeling, cut the fruits into sizable pieces that will blend easily. The process is equally important since cutting expedites the blending process thus reducing the amount of power required to blend the fruits in the machine blender. Depending on the flavor that one strives to achieve, mixing different fruits is essential since it increases the nutrient contents of the juice. Mixing of the fruits in the blender is indiscriminate and depends on the creativity of an individual. Fill the blender to the brim before switching the machine on. Blending such large capacities of juice is economical since the blender runs once as opposed to blending small quantities at different times that would consume more power. Run the blending machine and wait for the blending process to complete. Most machines hum differently and even slow to a stop to signify the completion of the blending process. However, observe the blending jar to observe the chances as the fruits turn into fluid juices. Turn off the machine and sieve the juice into a clean jug. Sieving helps eliminate fibers. However, health practitioners encourage the consumption of the fibers since they enhance digestion. After sieving, the fruit juice is ready consumption. The above process is exciting and engaging. However, just as any other process people must exercise caution in handling such sharp objects as knives and the electric equipment in order to minimize the risk of electrocution. Additionally, blending is a process that results in the creation of food products. This implies that people must maintain high standards of cleanliness in order to prevent the contamination of juices. Wash both the blender and he fruits before the blending process.  

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Germany's holocaust memorial Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Germany's holocaust memorial - Essay Example Besides, the foretold memorial is situated near to the underground secret chamber of Adolph Hitler, the mastermind behind Jewish Holocaust. In my opinion, the best possible way to pay tribute to the victims of the Holocaust is to construct a memorable monument. Mark Godfrey makes clear that the German government paid respect to the Holocaust survivors by inviting them to the inauguration of Holocaust Memorial in Berlin (Godfrey 239). The Holocaust Memorial is helpful for the younger generation in Germany and the whole world to remember the cruelty faced by Jewish population in central Europe. Besides, a solid symbol (say, a memorial monument) of genocide is most effective to cultivate the feeling of universal brotherhood in human minds. I consider that the initiative taken by German citizens like Lea Rosh and Eberhard Jaeckel is symbolic of the German culture of remembrance. But in 1980s (exact year: 1989), Berlin was in East Germany. The fall of German wall accelerated the effort to construct a memorial for the victims of the Holocaust. So, I consider the construction of Holocaust Memorial as the German culture of remembrance and historical consciousness. As pointed out earlier, the unification of Germany ignited national feeling among the people. For instance, the opening of Holocaust Memorial in the year of 2005 is symbolic of a unified Germany. Besides, the expenditure of the foretold memorial was around 20 Million Pounds. But this did not distract the Germans from paying apt tribute to the victims of Holocaust. Now, the Holocaust Memorial is open to all visitors without any discrimination and entrance fee. So, I consider that the Holocaust Memorial in Germany is symbolic of the German culture of honoring the victims of genocide, remembrance, nationalism and

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Ethics Reflection Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Ethics Reflection - Essay Example Examples of stakeholders include Customers, suppliers and any person who is directly involved in the business activities. A responsible organization treats all stakeholders equally. Additionally, this helps the team identify and monitor any risk that have a potential of arising as well as find an alternative solution and everybody needs an opportunity to speak and give their idea. Moreover, members should be open when providing ideas and feedback as well as raise concerns and come up with new ideas. This should be conducted professionally where everybody is independent in providing views and ideas thus providing quality discussions that aid in the decision making process listening to their ideas keenly. Moreover, a friendly environment improves the relationship among members in an organization thus strengthening the process of strategic planning and resulting in better decision making. The team members should take a fair and truthful possible risk during the planning process. This le ads to the maintenance of the welfare of stakeholders that include the employees as well as the society (Ransome, 2009). The ethical perspective throughout the program links to the success of an individual or a company. An individual’s view of ethics keeps on developing depending on the knowledge and information one receives throughout their life experiences. This is the reason why individuals use their experiences to make decisions about what is right or wrong depending on the kind of situation they are facing. The evolvement of ethics comes from personal values that form a critical element of a person’s strategy influencing how they relate with others and how they behave in the society. In addition, ethics perspective has evolved from taking pride in what one does and how they do it. This makes them behave responsibly in judging and decision making by showing the highest

Negative Classroom Behaviors Essay Example for Free

Negative Classroom Behaviors Essay In the classroom there are many opportunities for disruptions to the flow of learning. When the process of education is disrupted it affects learning outcomes and student progress. Educators and students both play a vital role is how smoothly the class is run. In this paper we will examine common disruptions in the classroom and look at carious ways that these disruptions can be resolved productively and efficiently. Through incorporating different discipline and classroom management styles most interruptions to learning can be avoided and the process of education can continue. Disruptions come in many forms and we will look at a few. We will first look at common disruptions in the classroom caused by students and then take a look at those caused by teachers. Yes teachers can be a disruption to the learning process and as we will see sometimes they cause more disruption than their students. It seems that often in today’s society when we think of the typical public school classroom, images of chaotic behavior, chattering students and paper being thrown quickly come to mind. This behavior, while not uncommon should not be the norm, there is a solution. The first three behaviors that we will address is the seemingly ever-present excessive talking, laughter and general outburst. It seems that no matter how many times the lights are turned off, names of students are written on the board, recess or free time taken away students continue to use their voices out of turn in excess ways, making instruction and learning difficult. Often times when students have an outburst in the class or the talking becomes excessive, teachers sometimes give a general knee-jerk reaction.  They may yell at the student who has been consistently talking to â€Å"be quiet or†¦ then some threat of a punishment is given and the student is quiet for a moment and the behavior is likely to happen again and the process continues. Educator Barbara Coloroso believed that students should be taught how to govern themselves accordingly and that whatever actions took place in the classroom they were not only responsible for them but that they were held accountable for them. Barbara guided educators to understand that an important part of education students was to also teach them inner discipline and self control. (Building Classroom Discipline, 11th edition, 2014) In her book Kids Are Worth It: Giving Your Child the Gift of Inner Discipline, Coloroso outlines key ways in which not only parents but also educators can teach children how to have inner discipline. Coloroso suggest that inner discipline be developed as follows; First students must be shown what they have done wrong, then given ownership of the problem hence making them responsible, following this students are guided on ways to solve the problem when appropriate. Finally Coloroso encourages to educators to ensure that during this entire process the dignity of the student is kept in tact. I imagine that by incorporating this strategy into my classroom management and discipline style my students will gain more self-control and become more aware of the consequences behind their actions. In this way, they will be far more likely to think before they act. Likewise I as a teacher will feel better about the way in which I handle disruptions. With the ability to handle each disruption as a possible teaching moment that encourages students to do better, rather than simply pointing out what they did wrong, students will develop a better sense of trust. Likewise by ensuring that in each situation the student is treated with dignity, students are aware of the respect I have for them and this respect become reciprocal. Two other common disruptions in the classroom are that of students who get out of their seats at inappropriate times and who take a long time to get organized, settle down and get started on their work . This not only disrupts learning for the student who gets up but it causes a distraction for those around. Often there are tedious reasons for why students are not in their seats. When asked why have they gotten up, a student may respond  Ã¢â‚¬Å"I was going to sharpen my pencil.† Likewise when asked why have they not sat down and began the warm up they may reply â€Å"I cannot find my pencil.† Educators Harry and Rosemary Wong created a classroom management and discipline theory that creates a way to eliminate many classroom disruptions. The Wong’s theory suggest, that beginning with the first day of class, students be taught that not only the classroom but that the entire school was a place for successful learning. This theory had to be accepted school wide in order to work effectively. In order to achieve that success teachers, students and administrators and support staff, must do their part. The Wong’s suggest that the biggest hindrance to learning is not the behavior of the students but the ineffective manner in which teachers disseminate information regarding the roles, rules, procedures and expectations in the classroom. (Building Classroom Discipline, 11th edition, 2014) Upon introduction to the class, teachers are encouraged to two things. First teachers must go over the roles, expectations and responsibilities of both teacher and student (Building Classroom Discipline, 11th edition, 2014). This is done over a period of several days and may continue through reinforcement throughout the first portion of the school year. In this way students not only understand where they fit in the classroom but they also know how everyone else fits as well. In my own classroom I can visualize my students on their first day. Part of my classroom management style will be to ensure that there is a procedure set in place for most of the foreseeable situations in the classroom. One thing that I will make certain to do, is to make the procedures detailed yet simple to understand and follow. In this way my students will be clear on what to do and when. For example, the student who has wasted ten five minutes of the 15 minute warm up time, will know in the beginning of the school year that sitting down and getting started on the warm-up up within the first three minutes of class is mandatory. If you are not prepared and do not have all of your materials, there are always extras that can be checked out from me and then returned at the end of class. Simple procedures like this will eliminate small disruptions and keep the learning process flowing. The next two disruptions are those students who lack respect for teachers and fellow  classmates along with horseplay in the classroom. Teachers must establish and demand respect in the beginning of the class. Students must know not only what is expected of them, but also what happens when they fall short of those expectations. Educator Craig Seganti teaches teachers how to take charge in the classroom. Taking the Seganti approach in my class will dictate that my students know that I am the authority in the classroom. Establishing this authority by setting the rules along with the consequences of breaking them, and enforcing them from day one will put me in control from the outset. When students see that there is no wavering in the rules, they will take what you are saying seriously. Establishing that the classroom is a place of learning and that anything that disrupts that will have consequences will if not completely eliminate, will certainly minimize disruptions. When teachers and students are disrespected in the classroom it would be good to incorporate civility in the classroom. P.M. Forni was best known for teaching students how to behave civil and with respect n the classroom. By encouraging students to conduct themselves in a way that reflects the â€Å"Golden Rule† students will be far less likely to tease and disrespect their teacher and classmates. (Building Classroom Discipline, 11th edition, 2014). Using these two strategies in the classroom will be of great value in the way the classroom is managed. Finally I want to take a look at three behaviors that are exhibited by teachers that cause disruptions in the classroom and halt the learning process. Disorganization, nagging and the inability to leave whatever you have going on at home, at home can cause the classroom environment to feel unsafe and chaotic (Building Classroom Discipline, 11th edition, 2014). Using a combination of strategies from authorities on classroom management can help with these hindrances to education. First knowing what you want your classroom to look and feel like I a huge help in getting and staying organized. Often times teachers become disorganized because they have lost control of the classroom. By establishing your authority in the classroom as suggested by Seganti, you are less likely to lose control and if this does happen it should be easier to regain. Constant nagging of students over trivial matters of work habits or behavior are not helpful. In the long run you are not taken seriously. Students must know how to behave in the classroom. Ensuring as suggested by Wong that students are crystal  clear on expectations and procedures, teachers will spend much less time nagging and more time teaching. Lastly when teachers are unable to leave their home life separate from their classroom the results can disrupt and devastate a classroom. Teachers must before anything else, know their role. As a teacher you are there to provide a safe learning environment for your students. When your personal life interferes with that, learning outcomes and student-teacher relationships are compromised. In my classroom I imagine that by establishing an initial foundation of authority based on my acknowledgement of my role as teacher and educator, I will be able to create safe, fun and effective learning environment. By creating my classroom management style, revisiting it when necessary and setting up rules and procedures from day one, I will have the freedom to teach without disruptions and my students will be able to achieve all of the learning outcomes that have been set for them. Reference Page 1. C. M. Charles Building Classroom Discipline, Eleventh Edition, 2014

Monday, July 22, 2019

Animal Lane Cattery Information Technology System Essay Example for Free

Animal Lane Cattery Information Technology System Essay The Animal Lane Cattery, a privately owned small business, needs an efficient, updateable, expandable, easily accessible information system to track and document clients needs for boarding/grooming services. The objective is to design and develop a system that fulfils the needs of the Cattery. An effective electronic filing system will eliminate lost paperwork, minimize errors, and provide a method for quality customer service. I will be designing and making the system that we choose for the Cattery. As the Cattery has expanded its boarding and grooming services to accommodate a total of 15 cats in separate pens, an increase in customer complaints have been received concerning the Catterys inaccurate and time-consuming tracking of specific client information. This inefficiency means that clients have to give an update of their felines information to the Catterys staff and has resulted in service errors. At the moment, they use a flatbed database, which only allows you to work with one table open at any time. The Cattery has considered using a pen and paper system, writing things out manually and storing information on paper, but a more efficient system would be a relational database. Their ideal system is a relational database, and this will allow them to have macros, reports, queries, and searches based on the information needed. This, therefore, is the system that I will be developing for the Catterys usage. Objectives: The user needs to be able to: -view the information -search for specific information -print out receipts for clients Alternatives: There are many relational database packages I could have chosen to work with, but I have decided to use the database package Microsoft Access because I have great respect for Bill Gates and also, Microsoft Access is an older program, therefore any bugs in the system will hopefully have been fixed and the package improved. I could have used Microsoft Works, but there cannot be any more than one table open at a time, and it is necessary that I have multiple tables. Users: The users of this database will be the Catterys staff- full and part-time employees responsible for the care and grooming of the cats. The Office Staff will be able to view and edit the data, whereas the Grooming Staff will only view the information they need. ANALYSIS The software I decided to use here is Microsoft Access to create and view the database. The hardware needed is a keyboard to enter data, a mouse, a printer to print out the receipts, and the computer monitor. All data will be output using the printer. I will need to ensure that there is enough memory for a relational database to function. This should not be a problem, as Microsoft Access (which I have chosen to use) does not require that much memory space, and there will be plenty of space available on their office computer, which, other than the necessary software components, will be used solely for the database used for the storing of data and the running of the Cattery. Backup copies of data will be stored on tape. The tape needs to be clearly labeled and stored in a water-tight case inside a fire-proof storage box away from the initial source of data, in case of fire or flood that may damage the computer that contains the original data. Using floppy disks as a form of backup was considered, but the database is relatively large and updated on a daily basis, so the floppy disks will not have a capacity large enough to adequately store the data. Data collection: The data will be collected from the clients using a form that they will fill in giving the information needed by the Cattery. The fields required will be on the data capture form given to clients. These will be in the form of questions, such as the ones below: -What is the cats name and owners contact information? -What is the cats vets contact number (in case of emergency)? -What is the cats meal schedule? -What are the boarding drop-off and pick-up dates? -What are the cats grooming requirements? There will doubtless be other questions that the staff will need to know the answers to. To update the data, I will need to remove certain clients information and replace it with new data when the first cats are collected. The printed data will be the reports when a search is started, and a second report to give as a receipt to customers when they collect their pet. DESIGN Two tables will be developed: owner information and services. The link between the two tables is the owner code. Each owner has only one address, but multiple cats may reside at the same address. Each cat has personal service needs even if it shares the same owner as another. The client names and cat names will not be used as key fields because there might be multiple clients with the same names or cat names. Office staff at the Cattery may view and modify the data in both tables, and the grooming staff may view data. Following are the hand-drawn designs of the database. First are the initial rough designs to show the basic layout of the database. I will then give a data capture form (next page) to one of the users (an office staff person) asking what things they think could be done better and how the design of the database could be improved to make using it easier. The users comments will then be taken into account when making the final designs of the database, detailed so that anybody could create the same database that I will be making for the Cattery. Final Users Comments (after having reviewed the initial designs) How effective do you think the designs will be? What do you think could be improved, from what you have seen of the initial designs? What is lacking from the database (if anything)? Other comments: IMPLEMENTATION On the following pages are the print screens of the way the Catterys database was created (tables, forms, queries, reports, macro code etc). EVALUATION The original objectives outlined in my Identification stage were met. The Cattery now has a useful and fast system to find and store their clients information, to view and search for specific information, and to print out things like receipts for clients. After having reviewed the owners comments and compared to the things I have changed, I feel I have improved the database enough for him to be comfortable with using it. I took in to account the things he mentioned about needing designs for reports and queries, and lessening vagueness of some designs. I feel I have achieved my objective in making the Cattery an effective, easy system to hold all their information.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Impacts of Tourism Deregulation and National Security

Impacts of Tourism Deregulation and National Security National security has always been an issue dating back to as early as when man started organizing himself in society. Tourism has become a major pillar of modern-day economies and cultures. This research examines the impact of tourism deregulation or the simplification of government rules and requirements on tourism to national security. The study will also cover areas on importation of terrorism through tourism; compare tourism crime and other types of crime and finally investigate the changes in crime rate in countries that deregulate tourism. The resident attitudes towards the impacts of deregulation of tourism on national economy will be explored. Questionnaires and simple random sampling will be used to collect data from the respondents. The data collected will be analyzed using the statistical package for the social sciences. The findings of the study will be presented using pie charts and graphs. CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.1 BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY Tourism and security are interrelated and inseparable. The security of the tourists is the primary concern of every host government because of it only where they feel safe that they will spend and visit again. The current economic state of most countries has presented a problem because governments have to come up with ways of raising foreign earnings to raise money to service the national debt and keep the economy afloat. One of the solutions has been to simplify government regulations for the tourism industry to attract more traffic. While this has been successful in most countries, recent evidence has raised questions of what effects lower standards for tourists have on the national security of the host country. Tourism is a delicate and dynamic industry. Although tourists have specific countries they want to tour based on experience, recommendation or the spirit of adventure, it is worth noting that some tourists have other agendas. It is impossible to know legitimate tourists from people with hidden agendas such as terrorists without the proper legislation. At the same time tourists are usually free to travel to destinations of their choice avoiding destinations associated with risk. It has been observed that the consequences of disastrous events on tourist destinations are spontaneous and adverse. Some of the insecurity concerns include terrorism of any kind where governments issue travel advisories to their citizens to not visit the affected country. A problem presents itself when the tourism has been imported in the guise of tourism, such that terrorists disguise themselves as normal tourists to enter countries. If stringent laws for immigration were to be put in place as they were befo re, it would be possible to pick the wheat from the chaff. According to (Zurick, 2006) the concept of security has changed through the decades from one of collective security and common defense to embrace notions of common and cooperative security. Despite the damage done to the concept of collective security because of the United States led invasion of Iraq, the development of common security structures through collective as well as multilateral frameworks such as the United Nations is still an important aspect for the expansion of security concerns to cover a nationà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½s environment, health and economic security threats. This research also considers that tourism organizations have little influence on peace and security agendas despite the fact that they are important for tourism. This is particularly at the micro-level whereby appropriate tourism development initiatives may serve as a means to prevent potential future conflict over resource and environmental security challenges. 1.2 Safety, security and destination image The world has become a global village and the global relationships have become turbulent, this has therefore called for destination marketing organizations which focus their attention in demonstrating that there is safety for tourists. A tourist perception about a particular destination which may be caused by negative publicity is mostly a question of security and safety. Often, this negative publicity may be unrelated to the reality on the ground but it has more than significant effects on the tourism sector and the economy as a unit. Tourism deregulation impacts on national security can be categorized into positive and negative category based upon economic, socio-cultural, and environmental impacts. According to (Hall, Dallen Duval 2003), tourism is greatly affected by and affects security. The destination a tourist chooses is determined by how safe he or she knows it be, or has been advised is. Changes in the global security affect tourism greatly. The security concerns affect both tourists and the host country that has to face the fact that not all individuals visiting the country have good intentions. Responsible tourists take time to investigate the security situation in the countries they intend to visit. Such responsible tourists should be aware of security risks and take precautions to mitigate such effects or avoid them completely. The September 11th terrorist attacks on the World Trade Towers in the United States of America are an epitome of events that can affect the tourist traffic of any country. Terrorist attacks have an impact on travel, leisure industries and tourist destinations. As a consequence more focus and attention has been directed towards tourism safety and security issues than ever before. The impact of deregulation on tourism laws on national security is a matter that cannot be ignored. Recent research is being focused further on the analysis of not only how travel safety can be promoted but also how security concerns may be incorporated in terms of tourism marketing. The management is also being enhanced to enable the industry become more responsive to chal lenges of security both internal and imported. Countries with unstable security history tend to be paranoid about security but stable and relatively safe countries have been continuously passing regulation that simplifies the process of obtaining tourist visas. The movement of the tourists is also not restricted or monitored. While this markets the country as place where the privacy of visitors is guaranteed and protected, it also attracts people of questionable character. These individuals might commit crime and abscond, or some might use the stability and anonymity to plan attacks on other countries. The latter situation can create a diplomatic spat which, unchecked, could escalate to war. Tourism activities can be affected by either external or internal forces; such forces may include war, terrorism activities, economic recessions, disaster, and financial crisis among others. Nations and cities which have experienced terrorist attacks for example New York and Washington faced profound impact on global travel (Blackford, 2004). The area of security is broad and sensitive and is affected by many things. The relationship between deregulation of tourism and national security can be explored in different perspectives. For example, in examining this relationship the research will look at whether the deregulation of air transport has influenced national security and the tourist destination countries in different nations. Terrorism will also be examined to investigate whether it can be imported in the guise of tourism. It will further examine the impact of deregulation on capacity as well as fares. The study also attempts to determine the impact deregulation has caused on marketing of tourist destinations and attractions. Finally, the research will investigate the impacts of tourism deregulation on transport at the destination areas. The research will also compare tourism crime and other types of crime (Hall, Dallen Duval 2003). 1.3 Statement of the problem The tourism industry has grown tremendously and thus every country is trying to gain a competitive advantage in order to market tourism adequately. This has lead to deregulation of tourism to assist raise tourist traffic. This research will seek to identify these impacts in a wider perspective with respect to crimes related to tourism and also seek to explore the rate of crime in countries that deregulate tourism. With globalization becoming embraced internationally the need for national security has been an issue of concern not only in tourism but in other areas as well. This concern is fundamental if nations are to enjoy and promote tourism while protecting the national security by preventing tourism crime, terrorism and other threats to a nationà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½s security that could be as a result of tourism deregulation. Research and experience have evidenced that tourism is a crucial factor that can contribute greatly to the development of a nationà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½s economy. It is therefore worth noting that tourism is directly associated and related with the cultural, economic as well as the intellectual potential of any nation. Currently available statistical data indicates that tourism is one of the most profitable and rapidly developing industries in the world and thus the need to protect and uplift it as while not compromising as the national security of a country. The evident threats to national security are not something any country passing legislation to deregulate the market can ignore. The purpose of this research is to identify this threats and the correlation it has with deregulating the tourism sector. 1.4 Research objectives This study will be focus on achieving the following objectives: 1. To investigate whether terrorism can be imported in the guise of tourism. 2. To investigate whether countries that deregulate tourism experience high crime rate. 3. To investigate the relationship and compare tourism crime and other types of crime. 4. To identify the impacts of airlines deregulation in international areas with respect to tourism. CHAPTER TWO LITERATURE REVIEW 2.0 Introduction According to the World Trade Organization (WTO), tourism is currently amongst the leading foreign exchange earner in approximately 83% of countries and the main foreign exchange earner for at least 38% of countries globally.Some tourists are turned away by stringent laws of immigration or stay and it has become the norm for most countries to deregulate the market. Tourism is an exciting and fascinating industry. The industryà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½s contribution to the national economy is significant. The major threats to this lucrative industry are socioà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½economic problems related to increased level of crime rates and the depletion of resources or sites and events that attract tourists. Similarly, due to the current rise in terrorist activity, it has become a major concern for the natives of the countries being toured. According to Williams (1997) crime is a common social issue which threatens the safety of the people, property, their sense of well being, and also causes entropy to the social order. Crime also reduces peopleà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½s quality of life because they are not psychologically at peace and are therefore not able to work as well or as much as they potentially can.(Cracraft, 2000). In all countries of the world associated with popular destinations, crime has been a major threat to the stability of the economy. In a Newsweek research conducted by Zakaria (2002) tourism safety and security matters raised by allowing tourists in is a major headache for any government. It is evident that crime against tourists or associated with tourism is considerably high in tourist destinations. This research therefore investigates the extent to which crime has an impact in a nationà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½s security. It is of importance to analyze the impact of passing legislation that lowers the bar for tourists and whether it has become an avenue for crà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½me and threats to national security. 2.1 Impacts of airline deregulation According to (Fallon, 2002), nations globally have realized that liberal aviation agreements have significant impact tourism amongst signatory parties. Recently, there has been deregulation of airlines leading to the growth of low-cost carriers and overcapacity in airline industry to bolster tourist numbers. Further deregulation of international air travel has seen the tourism industry grow significantly as simplified requirements to visit countries are major attraction for potential tourists. In addition, governments are encouraging movements towards agreements with country blocks or many nations rather than individual nations to create open skies in different geographic regions. The result of this is that people are able to move across borders with minimal or no paperwork. For nations to ensure the sustained growth and success of the international airline industry it has become important to adopt aviation policies which are conducive to open skies agreements. This has liberalized air travel beyond existing restraining bilateral among nations. This has a significant impact on tourism as well as other industries, as this facilitates the movement of people around the world. While this is a way of growing the economy, its potential effects on national security are far-reaching. The wanton and indiscriminate hosting of people without adequate paperwork carries with it the risk of encouraging criminal activates. 2.2 Socio-cultural impacts of tourism deregulation on national security According to (Blackford, 2002) it is a fact that tourism has a big impact on the economy of a nation, its cultures as well as the ecosystems. However, it is one of the least regulated industries in globally. This has opened up destination countries further to the influx of foreign earnings and capital. This trend of deregulation favors major international hotel chains and tour operators while still ensuring that the citizens of the country to earn from the resources, whether man-made or natural. Tourism has long been viewed as the reason for the spread of the global mentality. Cultures and social practices are imported as locals learn from visitors. The lack of adequate background checks on tourists, while offering an ideal protection of the visitorà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½s privacy poses a problem. The host country is exposed to the risk of allowing individuals of questionable character into the country. Interaction of these individuals with the locals might do more harm than good. The possible causes of some of the security situations include crime related incidents, terrorism, war, and political unrest or instability. The crime related security incidents may be in different forms such as theft, robbery, rape, murder, piracy and kidnapping. Local residents may commit crimes against residents, tourists against locals, tourist against other tourists, or may take other forms such as organized crimes against tourism enterprises. A specific environmental issue relates to the increased number of aircrafts that has increased the pollution rate and brought about a green house effect. Airplane contrails generate cirrus clouds, which reflect the sunà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½s rays and warm the atmosphere (Zakaria, 2007). This rise is directly proportional to tourist traffic because airlines will tend to increase flights to popular destinations so as to increase their turnover. 2.3 Deregulation of immigration and tourism laws. It is prudent to note that this research does not in any way imply that attempts to deregulate the market are inn-informed. On the contrary, liberalizing the industry is a crucial step toward achieving the vision of a global village vision and making the world a better place. However, to deregulate without adequately researching on the effects and impacts on national security is ill-advised. It is no secret that every country has enemies or people who would want to cause harm to it. While most of these groups or individuals might not make their intentions known, the methods they use to deliver the punch are criminal at the least. The template is to exploit the weaknesses in the countryà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½s laws and find the opportune moment to strike and send the chilling message. Giving visas to all and sundry without first checking their backgrounds or requiring adequate and authentic proof of identification might be good for trade, but it is not the least conducive for the security of all affected. Tourists are not required to give detailed schedules of their stays in the countryà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½s they visit and this is the perfect recipe for clandestine operations and activates. 2.4 Importation of terrorism through the guise of tourism According to Cracraft (1986) tourism is an activity that is sensitive and a nation will react rapidly to crime. Acts of terrorism are always a drawback to tourist destinations because it is followed by negative publicity and a host of travel advisories. This is because terrorism acts often indicate inadequacy of security and safety controls. Recent happenings have shown a disturbing trend where terrorists sneak into countries disguised as terrorists, leave among the locals as they plan their crimes. This worrying trend has created a situation of suspicion of people from certain places perceived to breed terrorists such as Middle East. This blanket stigmatization and the blanket security regulations that follow are saddening. The security concerns and weaknesses exposed can be pre-empted by having adequate laws that tend to pick the wheat from the chaff, instead of being left behind to sort the debris. 2.5The difference between tourism crime and other types of crime The growth of tourism has always been associated with increases in the level of certain types of crime (Goliath, 2004). The growth of tourism can also be associated with modernization and development which is a source of social instability which leads to criminal behavior. In addition, tourism crimes are often highly publicized, and the subsequent media publicity is a dent on the countryà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½s image. Another consideration is the fact that tourism growth is mostly accompanied by growth in the resident population. It is important to distinguish between criminal acts directed towards the tourists and those committed by the tourists there are many factors that make tourists attractive as targets of crime which include. While crime is primarily an illegal attempt to earn a living, tourism crime is mostly premeditated and about more than just earning a dayà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½s meal. It is about achieving a personal, social, religious or economic obligation either to oneself of to a group. As countries continue to pass laws that simplify the entry and stay of tourists without taking into account the dynamic nature of the human being, it becomes impossible to shield against crimes related to tourists. à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ Most of the tourists may be usually highly noticeable because of their race, clothing, speech, and even the tendency to carry valuable items such as cameras, backpacks which attract therein criminals. à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ It is often perceived that tourists are wealthy people and are more likely to be in possession of valuable items. à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ Tourists are mostly accompanied by tour guides and at times they may be strangers. At times in the destination few people may be aware of their specific activity pattern. For example the murder of Meredith Kerche in Perugia, Italy has had huge media attention in the United Kingdom. It nearly caused a diplomatic spat between the two countries and highlighted how crime is not exclusive to natives. In addition, issues such as drug and tourism, sex tourism as well as other related crime and social disorder among holidaymakers. The high rate of exposure of tourists as targets to criminal activity in some destinations is illustrated by the findings that have seen tourists being stolen of their belongings or property (Schollmeyer, 2003).This social wrongs impact negatively on the national security because negative social behavior such as drug use and sex trade are primary causes of crime. It has also been observed that criminal activities can as well be committed by the tourists themselves, either against the locals or other tourists. Where certain forms of tourism either foster or entail criminal activities, it is the tourist who is usually seen as the lead player in initiating or engaging in some kind of illegal activity-. The most, obvious example invokes forms of tourism, such as those involving certain types of related activity, which are defined as illegal by destination authorities. While tourism activity may be not completely illegal but a strong criminal association may exist. The best example of this indirect relationship is gambling, given the involvement of organized crime cartels in casino businesses. The influx in tourists to these places might raise the economic might of criminals, emboldening them and causing a general rise in the crime rate of the country. Finally, there are those tourist activities that can degenerate into criminal behavior because o f the presence of alcohol, drugs, arguments or stereotypes 2.6 Crime rate in countries that deregulate tourism It is evident that there is high crime rate in countries that deregulate tourism, for example sex tourism industry has increased all over South East of Asia and Burma (Kristiansen Trion, 2005) and the crime rates in South Africa during high tourism seasons is evident. In these regions tourists are highly involved in criminal activities and are often associated with several kinds of human rights abuses, and the spread of HIV/AIDS. For example women and juveniles are often coerced to engage in the sex trade against their will. While these crimes are abetted by locals, it is the presence of tourists with ill-intentions that causes the rise. As observed earlier the impacts of crime on the destination are diverse. Some cases involve crimes related to drug use, whereby the destinationà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½s image becomes blotted resulting in significant decline in tourist demand. On the other hand, theft may occur at tourist destinations where the tourists are at the wrong place at the wrong time. In addition, tourists may contribute to this by engaging in illegal activates or getting involved with criminals. (Magenta, 2009). CHAPTER THREE RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 3.1 Introduction In order to achieve the research objectives a multi-method approach will be adopted, by use of both qualitative and quantitative data collection methods. Quantitative methods will focus on providing a broad statistical measure of the nature, extent and impact of deregulation of tourism on national security using a reasonable sample size. In depth and comprehensive qualitative information will be collected on the impacts of deregulation of security on national security, importation of crime through tourism, comparison between tourism crime and other types of crime. The research will employ questionnaires to collect data from the respondents as one of the data collection tools. Interviews schedules will also be applied to interview the randomly selected sample population. This chapter presents a description of the procedures and methods that the researcher will use in order to obtain the required data needed for the study. It comprises of research design, data collection instruments, the target population, the sampling strategy, and data analysis methods. 3.2 Research design The researcher will employ quantitative research method. The quantitative research design to be used will be a causal comparative design. The causal comparative design will allow the researcher to collect one or more information from one participant. A casual comparative research allows researcher to investigate the possibility of a causal relationship among variables that cannot be manipulated. This research design will be used to establish the factors that influence employee training. 3.3 Target population The target population will involve the immigration departments, tourists and locals of the target country. 3.4 Sampling strategy Simple random sampling techniques will be the methods of data collection from the various departments. The employees will be randomly selected from each department to yield the total sample population. Purposive sampling will be used to select employees who are trained. Purposive sampling is a sampling technique that allows a researcher to use cases that have the required information with respect to the objectives of the study. 3.5 Data collection tools and instruments. The researcher intends to use questionnaires in this study. This is to provide high accuracy and validity of the study. The questionnaire is a convenient tool especially where there are a large number of subjects to be handled. The questionnaire facilitates easy and quick derivation of information within a short time. The information obtained will enable to investigate the impacts of deregulation of tourism on the national security. 3.6.1. T-test T-test will be used to test whether there are significant differences between two mean derived from the samples of groups at a specified probability level. 3.6.2 Chi-square Chi-square is a statistical technique which attempts to establish the relationship between two variables both of which are categorical in nature. The technique compares the proportion observed in each category with what would be expected under the assumptions of independence between the two variables. CHAPTER FOUR DISSECTION 4.1 Data analysis The researcher will establish whether all questionnaires are all completed. Data collected from open ended and closed questions will be coded for analysis purpose. Descriptive and inferential statistics will be used in data analysis. The data will be analyzed using the statistical package for the social sciences (SPSS). The descriptive statistics which will be used in analysis includes means, frequencies, percentages and standard deviation. The inferential statistics that will be used in data analysis will be chi-square and T-test for independent samples. 4.2 Expected results It is expected that this research will yield results that show an upsurge in crime levels in countries that have liberalized tourism industry. In some countries with more stringent practices and therefore less tourism traffic, it is obvious that the crimes related with tourism will be less. This is a wake-up call to all legislators to take necessary precaution when passing laws that deregulate the market and give the players a free-hand to do what they want. National security should take priority over economic gain.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

CAD-Computer Aided Design :: Computer Science

CAD-Computer Aided Design Computer Aided Design systems make it easy to create a picture of a new design, then you are able to change the picture on the computer. This saves time because you don’t have to re draw everything from the way it was originally started of with. It is also quicker to evaluate. There are many different types of CAD programs available to the industries and designers. They are concerned with either the visual appearance of the product or the technical details and difficulties. Computers have become as integral part of the design. They can dramatically cut down on labour and time and also costs. Garments have to have production patterns made. From these you can then alter the sizes, shapes, styles etc The process of changing a pattern size is called â€Å"Grading.† Grading is mathematical and involves working out smaller measurements, having to make each pattern piece bigger or smaller. Computers are used to do this because it makes the process much quicker and accurate Cad has a number of advantages -Data from pattern-making programs can be used to instruct machines to cut pieces out from lengths of fabric -Drawings or designs can be scanned into the computer and a wide range of repeat patterns and colour options generated in minutes. -The finished fabrics can be chosen from the screen by a client or customer and then printed using a digital printer. This is a big advantage for companies or industries using a one-off production, where they are making a garment to meet the standards and desirable needs of one particular customer. Them being able to choose their desired fabric/material is an advantage for the company as they are making something the customer chose themselves. -Changes can be made quickly as a customer waits. -Designs can be stored at a late date is then changed -Images can be sent electronically, directly to the client to view and have their opinions towards it. Disadvantages -There is an initial training period before the software can be used. -The software is also expensive. Therefore, other clients or factories may not have the same software. -If there is a problem with the computers, then all the work Is on hold, until an engineer is present to fix the problem. CAD helps speed up the entire design, manufacturing and retail process. The more new styles mean more sales are generated. Some stores want a new garment produced for them every month to maximise variety. More ICT in the Textiles Industry Using the internet, textile companies can now receive information and daily industry news 24 hours a day, from around the world.

Colonialism in Jackie Chan Films Essay -- Movie Film Essays

Colonialism in Jackie Chan Films    For over 20 years Jackie Chan has been the biggest action star in most of the world. First becoming popular in his native Hong Kong in the early 80s, his popularity slowly spread across the globe, and finally hit the U.S. with the 1996 release of Rumble In The Bronx (1994.) Since then Chan has made three highly successful films with American studois and several more with the Hong Kong studio Golden Harvest. He is easily one of the most recognizable Asian movie stars or all-time. Jackie Chan’s movies are famous for their over-the-top stunts and hilarious-but-amazing fight scenes, so much so that the actual plots of the films are sometimes forgotten. However, if one looks past the all the fights and laughs present in almost all of Jackie Chan’s films and just examines the stories behind them, an odd set of recurring themes soon make themselves present. Many of Chan’s best and most well-known works are attacks on colonialism and racism, not just in Hong Kong, but al so across the world. At the same time Chan is making these rather blatant anti-colonial films, other films of his seem to be defending colonialism while reinforcing negative stereotypes about the Chinese people and even other races. Some of his films even seem to do both, attack and defend colonialism, at the same time. It is my goal to show that the majority of Jackie’s films, especially his more recent work, all deal heavily with themes of colonialism and racism, whether it is good or bad, and that this has to do greatly with Hong Kong’s relationship with Europe and America. I will also attempt to show, that while Jackie has begun to make films in America, his anti-colonialism, and to some extent his anti-European and anti-American vi... ..., the most obvious being that Britain no longer has control of Hong Kong, China does. Whether this will translate into more anti-Chinese films to be made is unknown, but it is likely that Jackie Chan will continue to find complex message about race and colonialism in his films, regardless of where they are made, even if they may not be as strong as they were in the past.    Works Cited Logan, Bey. Hong Kong Action Cinema. New York: Overlook, 1996. Hsiao-peng Lu, Sheldon, ed. Transnational Chinese Cinemas. Hawaii: University Of Hawaii Press, 1997. Chan, Jack and Jeffy Yang. I Am Jackie Chan. New York: Ballantine Books, 1999. Fore, Steve"Life Imitates Entertainment: Home and Dislocation in the Films of Jackie Chan." In Esther Yau, ed., At Full Speed: Hong Kong Cinema in a Borderless World. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2001, 115-42.      

Friday, July 19, 2019

Criticism of Organized Religion in Little Boy Lost and Little Boy Found

Criticism of Organized Religion in Little Boy Lost and Little Boy Found Organized religion and its adversity to the natural world is a topic that William Blake addresses quite frequently in his writings. In "Little Boy Lost," from Songs of Innocence, Blake presents a young child, representing the fledgling mind, getting lost in the dark forest of the material world. The illustration at the top of the page shows the little boy being led by a light or spirit of some kind, the "vapour" that Blake later speaks of. The boy cries out to his father, not his biological father, but the priest that has been guiding him on his education of the world thus far. The priest is moving too fast for the boy and leaves him behind to wander through the thick mire of the world of man alone. In the next plate, "Little Boy Found," Blake reconciles the negative image of the priest and religion that was presented in the previous work. It begins by recounting the tale of the boy who got lost by following the "wandering light" of the priest's version of religion. God hears the boy's cries and comes to his rescue "like his father in white." This could be referring to God appearing as human, or Jesus, or in the image of his father, the priest. God leads the child back to his mother, the mother earth, depicted at the right of the stanza, perhaps with wings. The mother earth had been seeking her natural child who had been led astray by the misconceptions of man-made religion. The illustration at the top of the plate shows the little boy and a female figure, presumably the mother earth, both with halos, walking through the forest hand in hand. This hints at the divination of man in his proper natural context. Blake is making a statemen... ...nity of all living things, including himself. The harsh reaction of organized religion to this idea is illustrated in the second "Little Boy Lost," in which the youth is actually burned for his rebellious thinking. The first set of poems tells of the boy's lack of success in a religious system in that did not seem to really care about the boy, and left him floundering. It then describes his introduction to God in the forest, who brought him back to his mother, the earth, which showed him proper reverence of God through nature, not priestly education. The second poem captures organized religion's harsh reaction to this unorthodox and rebellious thinking, and destroys the boy for trying to reach outside of the accepted normal teachings. Together, the poems show an evolution from Blake's dissatisfaction with organized religion to an outright indictment of its practices.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Apple Swot Analysis – 2

Apple SWOT Analysis II Cesar Diaz MGT/521 Management October 31, 2011 Erick Espinosa Abstract Apple is a company that concerned of the environment and has been working for more than 20 years to minimize the impact their products have on the environment. Apple has developed and formulate an environmental policy in 1990 and since then, Apple has continue making their products more energy efficient, eliminating toxic substances. Apple is also the only organization that all the products they sell not only meets but exceeds the firm energy guidelines of the ENERGY STAR specification. In 2009 become the first company to report their total carbon footprint giving the opportunity to their clients to see Apple progress and efforts. Studying the financial statements of Apple investors and also costumers can determinate the health of the company, with the statements investors can decide if is a good investment risk by studying them in depth because the financial statements inform all of the business assets and liabilities and also include information about how much shareholders would receive as dividends from each share of stock. Companies calculate the earnings per share by dividing their net income by the total number of outstanding stock. Apple SWOT Analysis The environment of Apple is unique in this type of industry, because they focus on all the steps that their products pass through, Apple calculate their carbon footprint establishing the impact the company has in the planet. The footprint of Apple is divide in 46% on Manufacturing, a 6% on Transportation, a 45% on Product use, 1% of Recycling and the last 2% in Facilities The vast majority of our carbon emissions come from the manufacturing, transportation, use, and recycling of our products. The rest — 2 percent — come from our facilities. The way Apple minimize the impact of their growth is designing the products using less material, ship with smaller packaging and been as energy efficient and recyclable as Apple possible can. Apple remains committed to creating products that have the least amount of impact on the environment. Since 2008, as our revenue grew 74 percent, our greenhouse gas emissions grew only 57 percent. In other words following Energy Star qualification all products of Apple go beyond the USA Environmental Protection Agency`s strict ENERGY STAR guidelines for efficiency and has become the only company that can make that claim. In the past few years has made notable reduction in carbon Emissions (http://images. apple. com/environment/ images/manufacturing_ emissions_20110909. jpg) also the CO 2 Emissions per hour of products have considerable reduce (http://images. apple. com/environment/images/product_graph_20110909. pg) Apple continues to install state-of-the-art digital controls, high-efficiency mechanical equipment, and monitoring technology and Apple have a commitment to recycle, that also have Recycling Program and with this increasing their goal all year. The goal for 2010-2015 is a 70% of weight Recycled per year. (http://images. appleinsider. com/apple-e-waste-perc-070502. gif) Apple Inc. is an American based multinational company whose stocks are listed in the  New York S tock  Exchange and NASDAQ (National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotations) under the symbol AAPL. The company specializes in the design, development and manufacturing of electronic equipments like computers, software and smart  phones. The hardware related product line of the company is well known to everyone; including iphone, Macintosh and ipad and ipod respectively. While there are multiple range of software`s offered by the company to its customers that ranges from operating system to the entertainment and educational based software suits. There are several statements that can be analyzed to establish the health of Apple each one with different meaning and purpose. The income statement is for measures a company's financial performance over a specific accounting period. This is one of the three major financial statements; it also  shows the net profit or loss incurred over a specific accounting period, typically over a fiscal quarter or year. The income statement of Apple is In the last quarter the Revenue (in billion) of three of Apple products Ipod, Mac and iPhone) is of 28. 23 and the cost of Revenue is 16. 89. The gross profit is 11. 38, which leave us between the selling, administration and expenses, also the department of research and development a total operating expense 19. 56. so after taxes the income available Is 6. 62 with this information investor can identify how Apple has been growing despite the death of their executive chief. The balance sheet will give the summarize of a company's assets, liabilities and  shareholders' equity  at a specific point in  time. Knowing what Apple owns and what owes and also the amount invested by the shareholders. Seen the graphic, it’s enough to appreciate that Apple does not owes nothing and the assets are increasing more each quarter Cash ; Equivalents 9,815. 00 Short Term Investments 16,137. 00 Cash and Short Term Investments 25,952. 00 Total Receivables, Net 11,717. 00 Total Current Assets 44,988. 00 Long Term Investments 55,618. 00 Total Assets 116,371. 00 Total Liabilities 39,756. 00 Total Equity 76,615. 00 Total Liabilities ; Shareholders' Equity 116,371. 00 Total Common Shares Outstanding 929. 28 And the last statement to study is cash flow, this is a A revenue or expense stream that changes a cash account  over a given period. Cash inflows usually  arise from one of three activities – financing, operations or investing – although this also occurs as a result of donations or gifts in the case of personal finance. Cash outflows result from expenses or  investments. This holds true for both business and personal finance. This statement provides aggregate data regarding all  cash inflows a company receives from both its ongoing operations and external investment sources, as well as  all cash outflows that pay for business activities and investments during a  given quarter. As we can see in the graphic and confirm with the numbers Apple has increase their operating activities but the investing are dropping fast enough to realize that even is a good market rentable their stock are not valuable right now, we can say that one of the reason that their value have decrease in stock is because of the death of Steve Jobs. After reviewing each statement I can understand that the company is financial speaking, healthy because it have values that makes the company special, such as the quality in their products and cares about the planet, also the revenue are increasing and is a solid business because is always improving for increase the profit and reduce the cost. That concern to me because as an young entrepreneur learn to measure an investment`s risk. Management use this information to see the weak points have to strengthen and how is the company doing, is the duty of the manager make the revenue of the company always increase and find a way to reduce the cost. The stocks of Apple have a value of 404. 78 and a valuation change of -0. 04% Apple has 929. 28M of Shares and 70% of the installations Apple is the owner, comparing Apple with other companies is simple to appreciate that (see table) Apple is the most stable for investment and with more market capital to invest, also is the most active in dollar volume improving in technology and research, certificating the quality of Apple products. Key stats and ratios | Q3 (Sep '11) | 2011 | Net profit margin | 23. 43% | 23. 95% | Operating margin | 30. 81% | 31. 22% | EBITD margin | – | 32. 87% | Return on average assets | 23. 81% | 27. 06% | Return on average equity | 36. 40% | 41. 67% | Employees | 46,600 | – | Carbon Disclosure Rating | – | 80/100| In terms of technology advancement Apple is pioneer because have the brains of Steve Jobs, Jonathan Ives and other top visionaries at the company But it would be a mistake to think that only these few drive all of Apple’s vision and long term strategy. Indeed, as I understand it, the visionary conclusions they come to that drive Apple is quite a collaborative effort. A good example of technology advancement is the iPhone, that product began when some engineers showed Steve Job’s a larger touch screen version of an iPod they created in 2004, It took three years to pull off but in 2007, Apple introduced the iPhone and its apps eco system and as you know, this changed the course of smart phone history. Since then, every handset maker and PC vendors has been playing catch up with Apple. It has taken at least two years for the competition to pull alongside Apple but with each new generation of the iPhone, Apple seems to raise the bar. The 4th generation of the iPhone introduced the retina screen and a front facing camera and who knows what will be in the next generation iPhone when it comes out this summer. What Apple does is use its cash hoard to pay for the construction cost (or a significant fraction of it) of the factory in exchange for exclusive rights to the output production of the factory for a set period of time (maybe 6 – 36 months), and then for a discounted rate afterwards. This yields two advantages: First Apple has access to new component technology months or years before its rivals. This allows it to release groundbreaking products that are actually impossible  to duplicate. And second Eventually its competitors catch up in component production technology, but by then Apple has their arrangement in place whereby it can source those parts at a lower cost due to the discounted rate they have negotiated. Once those technologies (or more accurately, their mass production techniques) become sufficiently commoditized, Apple is then able to compete effectively on cost and undercut rivals. It's a myth that Apple only makes premium products – it makes them all right, but that is because they are literally more advanced than anything else (i. e. the price premium is not just for design), and once the product line is no longer premium, they are produced  more cheaply  than competitor equivalents, yielding higher margins, more cash, which results in more ability to continue the cycle. There is one other strategic advantage that Apple has that does not make them happy and that is Apple’s $60 billion cash in the bank. Although there has been suggestion from stockholders that some of that be given back to shareholders, Jobs and team have argued that they need it for acquisitions and other competitive issues. Well, it turns out the competitive issue they are talking about is the ability to pre-buy components in large quantities and at big price breaks. One example was the $500 million purchase of flash memory Apple did three or four years ago that almost wiped out the entire supply of flash at the time and drove the price f flash for competitors up. Apple is currently working on the differentiation strategy by putting unique elements in the design and development of its products. The differentiation strategy is defined as a strategy that aims to develop the products and or services that have unique characteristics that are well liked by the customers and are valued by them. This strategy enhances the market position of the companies with respect to their counterparts (Porter, 1998). Moreover, the company strategies also involve the expansion of its distribution network  in order to improve its global reach by providing high quality products and services with after  sales services to their customers. Therefore, the company is positioned uniquely in the markets to offer superior and integrated digital technologies and productivity solutions. The company faces aggressive competition from the other market players. According to Hoover (2011) the top three competitors of Apple Inc. in United States are Fujitsu Technology Solutions (Holding) B. V. , International Business Machines Corporation and Media Net Digital, Inc. respectively. The needs of the markets it caters are highly competitive in nature due to the ever changing and advancing technological environment and the rapid introduction of new technology based products. The main competitors of the company are following cost leadership strategies by reducing the prices of their products or by maintaining low profit margins to maintain their market share. There are various forces that can impact the business and profitability of Apple. These factors may include the marketing mix  ± product, price, place, promotion strategies, product  performance, the quality and reliability of the product, innovative designs as well as the availability of up to date software services. Currently, the management of the company is focusing on the expansion of its business markets related to the smart phones and other media and communication devices. Therefore, it is expected that the competition in these markets will tend to increase for the company. Conclusion Apple competitors delight in going head-to-head with Apple in hardware, because they can compete with them at this level. But it’s the combinations of its hardware that’s created specifically to be a vehicle for its software and the software itself that really sets Apple apart. And, there is another element to Apple’s â€Å"blank screen† strategy that adds to its competitive advantage. It makes Apple driven content a cornerstone of its extended software offerings. Also the study result showed that the company is doing pretty well in the global markets due the integrated resources and operative capabilities that are outcome of globalization. Apple Inc. lags only in its outsourcing associations with the other company’s at different countries of the world. In order to improve the outsourcing practices ethically, Apple can strictly ask its outsourcing partners to comply with the ethical rules, and regulations. References Apple Finance (2011, October 18). Apple Financial Result [Audio podcast]. Conference Call. Retrieved from http://stream. qtv. apple. com/events/oct/earnings/earnings_11/earnings_ref. mov Apple Inc.. (October 21, 2011). Environmental Policy. Retrieved from http://www. apple. com/privacy/ Apple an the Enviroment. (2011, Summer). Environmental Progress. Retrieved from http://www. apple. com/environment/progress/ Bajarin, T. (2011, March 5). Apple`s Strategic Advantage. Retrieved from http://technologypundits. com/2011/03/apples-strategic-advantage/ Google Finace. (2011, Octuber 31). Apple Summary Statement. Retrieved from http://www. google. com/finance? q=NASDAQ:AAPL McHugh, N. W. (2010). Understanding business (9th ed. ). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill/Irwin..